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Yun Qingqiao's four uncles had never taken concubines, adhering to a commendable family tradition. Among her aunts-in-law, the eldest came from a scholarly family and was refined and graceful. The other three aunts displayed a spirited countenance, exuding an air of strong, independent women. They all had sons, so meeting Yun Qingqiao brought them particular joy. After introductions from Lady Ye, Yun Qingqiao offered her respects to each.

The three aunts then presented Yun Qingqiao with gifts: a pouch of golden beans, a pair of solid red-gold bracelets, and a delightful set of golden piglets. As she accepted these tokens, Yun Qingqiao felt the tangible weight of the family's affection.

Lady Ye chuckled and said, "Oh, these aunts of yours!" She then placed the gifts in a box and instructed a servant to store them safely, suggesting they could be part of Yun Qingqiao's dowry someday. This evoked a hearty laugh from everyone present.

The fourth aunt tenderly pulled Yun Qingqiao into her embrace, her eyes narrowing as if to examine her more closely. Smiling warmly, she said, "Girls are always so charming. The more I look at you, the more I like you!"

To Lady Ye, her granddaughter resembled her daughter, Ye Heyun, in many ways. Observing Yun Qingqiao's well-mannered and understanding demeanor filled her heart with even greater joy, her gaze brimming with affection.

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The second aunt-in-law chimed in: "We have too many boys in this house. The arrival of a fairy-like girl has utterly delighted that bunch of youngsters."

"Absolutely," added the fourth aunt. "Lately, Yu has been chattering non-stop about no longer being the youngest in the Ye family."

Seizing the moment while the fourth aunt spoke, the third aunt pulled Yun Qingqiao onto her lap, laughing heartily: "Let me have the pleasure of holding a daughter for once! Look at Yunqing—she resembles her Aunt Heyun, who looks like our mother. Doesn’t that mean our mother must be the real celestial beauty here?"

"Oh my, listen to that silver tongue," Lady Ye laughed, covering her mouth with a handkerchief and pointing at her third daughter-in-law. "Flattering me so much, I'm almost out of breath!"

Meanwhile, the seven young men, left to their own devices, urged one another to speak up. Finally, the boldest among them stepped forward and said, "Grandmother, isn't it time for our sister to be formally introduced to us? Grandfather didn’t elaborate earlier."

Lady Ye laughed heartily, "Ah, these are your mischievous brothers— the same young men who visited you during your time of recuperation." She gestured toward the group of dashing youths, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

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Yunqing looked at her playful brothers, walked over to Lady Ye, and warmly linked arms with her. "Grandmother, I already knew," she said, her voice tinged with delight. Earlier, when she had entered the front hall, one of the young men had insisted that she call him 'brother.'

Finally managing to stop laughing, Lady Ye tightened her embrace around Yunqing.

Within this generation of the Dingnan Marquis' household, there were seven young lords: the eldest, Ye Renhao, and the second eldest, Ye Renyi, from the main branch; from the second branch, the third son, Ye Renzhong, and the fifth son, Ye Renjie; from the third branch, the fourth son, Ye Renyang, and the sixth son, Ye Renhai; and from the fourth branch, the seventh son, Ye Renyu.

It appeared that their little sister had known all along. It seemed this ethereal-looking young girl was quite savvy despite her tender years.

"Quick, call us 'brother'!" The young men eagerly stepped forward, each vying for Yunqing to address them as her older brothers.

"This is your eldest brother, and I am your seventh brother!" The cheeky young man from before was the seventh son, Ye Renyu, who was four years older than Yunqing. He was tugging at her sleeve, insistent that she acknowledge him.

The arrival of a little sister had delighted the young men, making the atmosphere in the room lively and cheerful.

"Eldest brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, sixth brother, seventh brother," Yunqing recited in a single breath, bowing in greeting to each of them in turn. With that, she was finally introduced to all her relatives in the room.

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