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Last night, the city buzzed with excitement as Hong Shiwen threw a lavish coming-of-age party for his granddaughter, Hong Ying. 

Representatives from families, both notable and modest, flocked to the Hong estate, a testament to their prominence in the city.

Those not lucky enough to score an invite to the main event were tucked away in the guest house, but even this slight was an honor, a nod of acknowledgment from the Hongs. The truth was, many didn't make the guest list at all.

The Hong estate sprawls over a massive 5,000 square meters on the east side of town, and by 5 p.m., the crowd outside was thick. It was a good thing this area wasn’t a hotspot for traffic, or the congestion would have been a nightmare.

Yu Xiangxiang and Wang Lin approached the gate, invitation in hand, and were promptly escorted to the inner sanctum of the festivities.

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"Please, try to act with a bit of decorum tonight," Yu Xiangxiang hissed under her breath, her words laced with hope and dread. 

Her stunning outfit turned heads, her elegance undeniable, but Wang Lin's calm air and casual outfit were enough to deflate her expectations.

After her polite but firm suggestion, she flitted off to mingle with her circle, leaving Wang Lin to his own devices. He found a quiet spot and didn't hesitate to dive into the fruit spread before him.

His lack of ceremony raised some eyebrows; the more pretentious guests edged away, but Wang Lin was unfazed by their judgment.

It wasn't greed—it was need. Days of discipline for whatever reason had left him famished, and the fruit was there to be eaten, wasn't it? To not indulge would be wasteful.

As Wang Lin was happily tucking into his fruit, an unwelcome sneer sliced through the air. 

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"What's this? Did we let a hungry ghost slip in? You eat like you've never seen food before!"

Enter one self-proclaimed 'handsome man,' waving a pink fan with a flourish that screamed for attention.

"I'm talking to you! Are you ignoring me?" the man jeered when Wang Lin remained unfazed by his entrance.

Looking up, Wang Lin couldn't help but wince. The man before him was a walking contradiction, with the swagger of a man and the flamboyance of a diva, looking like he'd strutted right out of a cabaret.

"What's your problem?" Wang Lin grunted, feeling his stomach turn.

"You don't know where you are," the man fussed. 

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"This is Yingying's big night. How did you barge in here to gorge yourself like this?"

Then, raising his voice to a pitch that made the nearby glassware nervous, he beckoned over two attendants with a dramatic flourish. 

"Young Master Li, how can we assist?" they asked with a bow.

"Show this yokel the door. He's here to mooch," Li commanded, pointing an accusing finger at Wang Lin.

"Could we see your invitation, sir?" the attendants turned to Wang Lin.

He just shrugged. 

"Don't have one," he said, and it was true—he didn't have it on him.

Their polite facades dropped instantly. 

"No invitation means you'll have to leave," they informed him, their tone now firm.

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